News and More
Manitou Galleries
May 14 - June 5
Manitou Galleries
River Runs Through It
This group exhibition highlights the Rio Grande River historically and in modern times. I will have several new paintings in the show.
For hours of operation and COVID guidelines,
Contact the gallery at:
You can always find a good selection of my work at Manitou Galleries in Santa Fe and on their website at: Mike's Work at Manitou Galleries.
Click image to enlarge
The Governor's Art Show and Sale
Opening May 22

The 2021 Governor's Art Show presents an outstanding collection of work by many of Colorado's finest artists. Work will be on exhibit at the Loveland Museum in this prestigious annual show. I will be showing four paintings in the exhibition.
May 22 - June 27
See the show online or in person
(Due to COVID restrictions, reservations are required to visit the Loveland Museum)
Contact The Governor's Art Show for details about the show.
Click image to enlarge
In the Studio and on the Road
In March, I continued working on paintings for upcoming shows. I also spent a lot of time digging through my photos of past road trips looking for painting images. This past year, with COVID keeping us off the road, I've been endlessly combing through hundreds of photos, looking for painting subjects.

Astonishingly, I keep finding fresh subjects--images I must have looked at dozens of times but didn't see the potential. I think this is happening due to my continually changing perceptions as an artist--that and the necessity to find new painting subjects in a time when it is difficult to get out in the field.

This approach can only work for so long. I can't tell you how antsy I am to get back out on the road and find fresh inspiration. Having a stock of photos is all well and good, but there is no substitute for getting out there and experiencing the landscape afresh. The feel of a place, the sun and wind on your skin, the fragrance of pinon, the call of birds, and the luminous landscape all go into a painting. The immediacy of experience fades over time and must be often renewed.

Our first road trip of the season was a day-trip to Colorado's San Luis Valley to see Sandhill Cranes. Seeing hundreds of these large, striking birds in a vast, primeval landscape was, to paraphrase my cousin, an excursion into prehistory.

And just getting out there in the sun and wind and deep blue sky was balm for my sequestered soul and inspiration for my pallet.
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Copyright © Michael Reed Baum All rights reserved